If you want to get some pictures of you, you're in the right place... trust me!

Your photo session

Recreational dive

For the divers who would like to get some pictures while diving within recreational limits( meaning no decompression dive).

The following rates apply:

1 dive - 60€

2 dives - 80€

For more info on what is included in a photo session, have a look below

Technical dive

For the technical divers who would like some pictures there is only the 1 dive rate because I never do more than 1 deco dive a day. A tech dive is any dive with decompression 


The following rates apply:

1 dive - 80€


For more info on what is included in a photo session have a look below.


What is included in the photo session

The following is included in the price:

  - Between 10/20 high quality, edited pictures in digital format

The following is not included:

  - The normal guiding fee